Monday, June 19, 2023

Vacuum Pumps for Erectile Dysfunction


Vacuum pumps, also known as vacuum erection devices (VEDs), are one of the non-invasive treatment options available for erectile dysfunction (ED). They are typically recommended for individuals who have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.


Vacuum pumps for treating ED involve creating a vacuum around the penis that forces blood into the corporal bodies. This blood is maintained within the corporal bodies by securing a ring around the base of the penis, enabling the penis to remain erect. Vacuum erection devices are usually tolerated and effective, with low morbidity and few recognized complications. A 2005 study showed that men who had moderate ED had a higher success rate with vacuum erection devices than patients with mild or severe ED.

Research into the efficacy of and satisfaction with vacuum therapy alone has shown variable results, with patient satisfaction ranging from around 60% to as high as 82%, and little research has been done on the newer devices. Although many studies have shown good outcomes for achieving erections, they have also shown dissatisfaction with some aspects of the device, such as pain and the inability to achieve adequate erection for intercourse. Men, especially those older than 60 years, who used combined pharmacologic therapy with vacuum erection devices were more satisfied than those who used either therapy alone.

How it Works?

A vacuum pump consists of a cylinder that is placed over the penis, creating a vacuum environment. This vacuum draw blood into the penis, causing it to become erect. Once an erection is achieved, a constriction ring is placed at the base of the penis to maintain the erection for sexual activity. So, the constriction ring helps to maintain the erection by preventing blood from flowing out of the penis.


Vacuum pumps, or vacuum erection devices (VEDs), have been found to be effective for many men with erectile dysfunction (ED). They are considered a non-invasive and drug-free treatment option. However, the effectiveness of vacuum pumps can vary among individuals, and it may depend on the underlying causes of the erectile dysfunction and individual factors.

Studies have shown that vacuum pumps can produce successful erections in a significant percentage of men with ED. According to research, the success rates can range from 60% to 90%, depending on the study and the population being evaluated.

Vacuum pumps are especially effective for men who are unable or prefer not to use oral medications for ED, such as phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitors like Viagra or Cialis. They can also be beneficial for men with certain medical conditions that make other treatments less suitable.


Vacuum pumps are generally safe when used correctly. It's important to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer and consult a healthcare professional for guidance. However, like any medical device, there are potential side effects and considerations to be aware of. Here is some information on the safety and possible side effects of vacuum pumps for erectile dysfunction (ED):

1.       Bruising and discomfort: Some men may experience mild bruising or discomfort, particularly at the base of the penis, due to the use of a vacuum pump. This usually resolves quickly and is not a cause for concern. Applying lubricant to the base of the penis and using a proper-sized cylinder can help minimize these side effects.

2.       Coldness or numbness: During the use of a vacuum pump, the vacuum pressure may temporarily cause the penis to feel cold or numb. This is usually temporary and should resolve once the device is removed.

3.       Skin irritation: In some cases, the use of a vacuum pump may cause minor skin irritation or redness on the penis. Ensuring proper hygiene and following the instructions provided by the manufacturer can help minimize the risk of skin irritation.

4.       Risk of injury: It's important to follow the instructions for using the vacuum pump carefully to avoid potential injury. Excessive or prolonged use of the device can cause tissue damage or potentially lead to penile fractures. Working with a healthcare professional can help ensure proper usage and minimize the risk of injury.

5.       Contraindications: Vacuum pumps may not be suitable for everyone. They are not recommended for individuals with certain bleeding disorders or those taking blood-thinning medications. Additionally, individuals with certain anatomical abnormalities or severe vascular disease may not be good candidates for this treatment option. Consulting with a healthcare professional is important to determine if a vacuum pump is safe and appropriate for your specific situation.

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Proper usage

It's crucial to learn how to use a vacuum pump correctly. Working with a healthcare professional, such as a urologist or sexual health specialist, can help ensure proper usage and maximize effectiveness. Here are general guidelines for the proper use of a vacuum pump:

1.       Familiarize yourself with the device: Read and understand the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the vacuum pump. Different models may have slight variations in their operation, so it's important to follow the specific guidelines for your device.

2.       Lubrication: Apply a water-based lubricant to the base of the penis and the rim of the cylinder. This helps create a seal and reduces discomfort or potential skin irritation.

3.       Create a seal: Place the cylinder over the flaccid penis, ensuring a snug fit at the base. Holding the cylinder firmly against your body, create a seal by pressing it against your skin. Air should not be able to enter the cylinder during the pumping process.

4.       Create a vacuum: Begin pumping the device, either manually or using an electric pump if provided. This creates a vacuum inside the cylinder, causing blood to flow into the penis and facilitating an erection. Pump gradually and avoid over-pumping, as excessive pressure may cause discomfort or injury.

5.       Maintain the erection: Once an erection is achieved, slide a constriction ring or tension band to the base of the penis. This ring helps maintain the erection by preventing blood from flowing out of the penis. It's essential to use the correct size of ring to ensure it is not too tight or too loose.

6.       Time limitations: It's generally recommended to limit the duration of using a vacuum pump to around 30 minutes. Prolonged use may cause tissue damage. If an erection lasts longer than 30 minutes and becomes painful (priapism), seek immediate medical attention.

7.       Release the vacuum: After sexual activity or when you're finished using the vacuum pump, release the vacuum by pressing the release valve or releasing the pump mechanism. This allows air to enter the cylinder and removes the vacuum pressure.

Combination therapy

Vacuum pumps can be used in combination with other treatments for erectile dysfunction, such as medications (e.g., phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors) or psychotherapy. Your healthcare provider can guide you in developing a comprehensive treatment plan based on your specific needs.

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